πŸ›’How to Buy

To acquire ZCRAI tokens/NFTs, you can do so through PancakeSwap or directly on the Element marketplace. Here is a simple guide on how to proceed on each platform:

1. Purchase via PancakeSwap

  • PancakeSwap - ZCRAI: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x85Bcf2D5046A7a501C818A73C6BA11bD10852233

    • Access the link above to be directed straight to the swap interface.

    • Connect your digital wallet compatible with the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, among others.

    • Enter the amount of BNB or any other compatible token you wish to exchange for ZCRAI.

    • Confirm the transaction, paying attention to gas fees and slippage conditions.

    • Once the transaction is confirmed, the ZCRAI tokens/NFTs will be deposited into your wallet.

2. Purchase via Element Marketplace

  • Element Market - ZCRAI: https://element.market/collections/zcore-ai-anime

    • Visit the link to access the ZCRAI collection on the Element platform.

    • Explore the items available in the ZCore AI Anime collection.

    • Select the NFT you wish to purchase.

    • Connect your digital wallet and follow the instructions to finalize the purchase.

    • The NFT will be transferred to your wallet upon completion of the purchase.

Important Notes

  • Before making a purchase, ensure your wallet is set up for the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network to avoid any compatibility issues.

  • Always review transaction details, such as gas fees and slippage, before confirming any purchase to ensure everything is as expected.

Last updated